Our groups are open to anyone over 18 with a mental health problem, you can even attend if you don’t live in Sheffield.
If you are a professional or family member or carer, you can refer someone else on their behalf. You can also fill in a referral form when you attend the group or requesting one from nopanicsheffield@gmail.com
If you work for the NHS please put where the patient if coming from e.g. Urgent and Crisis, PCMHT, etc.
We don’t offer therapy. We do not do 1-1 work. We do small group work as although it can be worrisome attending a group, it’s in groups that we think people get a lot of benefits of shared experiences. We are not a crisis service, or specialist trauma service, although many people with a wide range of traumas attend. We cannot talk in depth in sessions about suicide, rape, sexual assault, child abuse of medications/substance use. If you need help with one of these things then we can try and signpost you onto somewhere specialist dealing with these things, or you’re welcome to attend groups alongside something else.